Intelligent waste management with eGate waste locks
EMZ Hanauer
„Pay as you throw“, the fair principle of garbage fees depending on quantity, is usually not feasible in larger residences and in commercial properties used by several tenants, because large waste containers are used. Billing is based on size of the flat or number of people, not in accordance with the polluter pays principle.
Here the application of garbage lock systems, which are capable to measure the waste volume dependent on cause, takes remedial action. This also gives tenants the opportunity to influence the amount of fees for waste disposal themselves, in addition to the basic fee.

eGate waste lock connection via the internet
Based on M2MGate INSIDE M2M has realized a software application for data transmission and visualization for the eGate system.
The eGate locks, which are fitted with a GSM-module, transfer all utilization data via mobile radio and internet to the central eGate-Server. The product is completed by the eGate Internetportal, which shows all information clearly and offers aids for process optimization.
The eGate System delivers exact data:
- about the user dependent waste volume for the billing
- about the tons level for planning the point of emptying
- for the disposer to plan optimal routes of disposal
eGate system: Reducing costs – saving environmental resources
With the eGate System emz Hanauer is marketleader within the field of intelligent waste lock systems. Our eGate locks adjust independent of the place of installation, flexible to existing waste management solutions. They capture the exact volume of disposed amount of waste, with waste flaps the access to the waste containers can be controlled.
The eGate-System replaces the flat-rate billing with the fair principle of quantity based garbage fees: with an individual access key the tenants only pay, when they use the waste container and not when they are on holiday or do not produce waste.
Everybody only pays for the waste that is not separated and thus doesn´t enter the recycling cycle. By separating better every eGate-user can define his own bill for waste-services.
Intelligence means rethinking (EMZ image film Environment - german)
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